you forgot to map the outside forces. USSR and Adolf/Benito, as well as the internationally recruited red brigades. Israel & EU are probably best mapped to USSR and the international brigades. You can bet the regime would call on them for their duty, in case a civil war in the US breaks out. This would be a great opportunity for them to push the Davos agenda.

Question remains: where are Adolf and Benito? Without them, Franco would not have won.

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That was an intentional omission, as I think I explained in the piece?

In any case, I was trying to keep it focused and somewhat manageable for the exercise.

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got it. Just though that in case of civil war in the US, you will most likely have foreign powers meddling. That is actually quite comparable to the Spanish Civil War, as it will be - or at least thought of to be - a battle between social orders, nationalist vs. globalist/communist

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The ideological angle would be impossible to avoid and any adversary worth their salt would jump in on it. 100% agree.

Hell, a while back I made a joke about seeing a future where I drive a T-34 tank into battle. It's funny because it rings of the truth you explain above.

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Don't forget major players like the Cartels, Mexico, and Canada getting involved. I'd expect China and Russia to take Hawaii and possibly establish beach heads for "humanitarian purposes" in Cali. The Brits might throw in the same in the East.

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Jun 17Liked by Phisto Sobanii

If there was a civil war, pretty much every country under the sun would side against the American Nationalists.

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Do you mean the American government? I think they map more to the Republicans.

Nationalists were the rebels.

That said, there would be a ton of involvement.

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Jun 17Liked by Phisto Sobanii

I'm think of Trump. If there were a civil war between him and the federal government, the EU, Canada, Japan, Mexico, etc. would side with the liberals.

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Agreed. Unless they have unrest at home, of course. I hadn't thought of it till now, but one reason we could be meddling is to try and keep such countries from interfering in our problems while we go through domestic turmoil. It's a dumb as rocks gambit, but there it is.

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Jun 2Liked by Phisto Sobanii

Interesting Thoughts Phisto...

Or would the result be like the Former Yugoslavia?

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I think the latter is more likely, but with significantly less violence. Slavs are nuts!

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Jun 2Liked by Phisto Sobanii

I agree with that assessment. I have both Croatian , Serb, and Slovenian friends.

I will relate to you the level of hatred held by most Croatians. At the outset of the war, Serbian forces overran her family's village. The Serbs destroyed the village, and took away her eighteen year old brother and others . He/ they were never seen or heard of again, right up until this very day , my friends wife cannot speak about that event.

Theres more but I think that you understand what im trying to convey.

My opinion, Serbs and Russians, not much difference between the two.

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That's why I think we're very far from a civil war here. We just don't have the capacity for hatred like that.

I mean, to have family vanish and never speak about it again?

Seems impossible in America.

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It is better that we all die than endure each other further.

That is worse than death.

“We just hated each other.”

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I agree completely with points 1, 2, 3.

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Good. I think the most useful part about this essay is later I can point to it when people ask if the US will go this route.

lol no it won't

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No America will go our route.

Very different situation.

We America 🇺🇸 have a collapse in an overweening, all consuming center that cannot hold- DC and the ACELA corridor northeast elites - and there’s no replacement. The next level are State governments, which come to 53 with territories (I am excluding DC). The state governments are weak. The strongest state parties and strongest political party is of course the Democratic Party, but without DC they have neither force nor money, and can’t pay their retainers. The GOP are of course screened by HOA Church ladies, these aren’t warriors, they’re burghers, barely men.

See the Bushes or Lindsey Graham.

So again the young men will have to rise. By the sword I suspect, it’s all the old ladies left to them…

So I return to the American Mao, the most fit warlord, who’s about to start his last summer vacation…

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Map 1930s Spain to 2020s USA?

Of course not. Spain is a different country and people.

What is happening is what the US government does; collapse. The US Government collapses all communities and countries into large seas of chaos with Green Zone islands. Green Zones are the safe and profitable zones.

-> the price of admission is corruption, at least turn a blind eye. Fill out these forms and shuffle around, your function is camouflage. Someone else will do the dirty work. I’m describing Iraq, I could as easily be describing numerous urban areas in America, or other countries. All that happens is the US government are being themselves, the same selves they have been since the 1960s.

Detroit happened before Iraq, as did The Balkans and Haiti.

It is all BiPartisan.

Garland in “Civil War “ narrows it down as far as can be seen. Very vague. The President disbands the FBI* and had an illegitimately perceived and unacceptable 3d term. The ensuing disorder causes multiple factions to rise, the march to DC is called “The race to Berlin” by the wise old black man who then explains “once it’s over they’ll turn on each other.” That’s exactly the pattern of decades.

All that is agreed on in the movie, including the $50 million real world dollars to make the movie from Hollywood is; DC must go, and the President is a cowardly, fraudulent actor. He dies dragged out from under his desk,

His last words “please don’t let them kill me.” In real life clearly even Hollywood financiers have had enough. The generic POTUS could be any of them from our lifetimes. They were all actors, Trump is the guy who doesn’t get the joke.

*Disbanding the FBI; In real life they’re now so discredited that only clinical morons like the Michigan governor kidnap plot or other damaged, blackmailed sorts will even talk to them. The reason the “plots” are all either agents or clearly compromised by crimes and defects such as drugs or sex with minors is no one who has any choices will deal with the real life FBI. The real life Feds are down to prosecuting their snitches or staging their own plots, and they get caught too. If there’s any lower to sink, they’ll turn each other in for the fake plots.

Law enforcement won’t talk to the FBI now. They Don’t trust FBI.

-> de facto, the FBI is “disbanded” already. This is perfectly in keeping with long practice. Institutions and people are rotted out from within and rendered useless and evil but worst of all WEAK. The weakness is the unforgivable sin.

The only real mortal sin and unforgivable crime in the world is weakness.

= The FBI is already “disbanded.”

Now, in real life. There’s a corpse there…. That’s it.

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May 31·edited May 31Author

The dead don't need their stuff?

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My problem is I substantiate my answers: TLDR if you want a “plan” or map its Alex Garlands “Civil War.” As in real life- figure it out.

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Can numbers be painted within margin of 1000 for each? Feel that might help visualize the Spanish sides

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Numbers for what?

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I may not have time for that, but will possibly get around to it in the future. It will be exceedingly difficult to figure, because many folks went one way or the other simply because that's who controlled an area when shit hit the fan.

There's probably quite a lot of numbers out there at the moment, but don't forget important stuff like military equipment and so on too.

Anyway, good question.

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May 31Liked by Phisto Sobanii

I don’t see this current ( last three years) crop of unwanted foreign felons doing anything to support any red zone. Certainly not Texas. And I think I see the south east become an entity. Kinda like our first civil war. But honestly, I think we need a new revolution. The enemy is rather obvious now.

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Alan, your Enemy?

Like our first Civil War, you say .Please tell Phisto and myself and others commenting , Alan , exactly whose children would you like to sacrifice for your second civil war? Which mothers , fathers, grandparents. Which cities? States? Or is your idea of a civil war a bloodless civil war.

Just a heads up, they dont use muskets anymore like in your first civil war.

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I keep thinking of the "shell game" approach to empire resistance. Basically everyone do their own thing and constantly resist the centralized authority at every turn.

Like my connection between CNT and the small towns of America. Just keep saying "No" and kill the bastards with a million cuts.

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I'm going to have to put this on my calendar. There's a lot to unpack.

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I'm hoping some folks pick it apart. That's the goal of something like this.

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One rodent to rule them all…. This was an excellent read! And you cranked that out hella fast!

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It was fun. A good benchmark for the knowledge I have on command. I’ll come back to it in a few years and marvel how bad it is.

But that’s the point. Good questions are better than any answer.

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May 30Liked by Phisto Sobanii

buc-ee is running logistics!?

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Amateurs talk tactics. Professionals talk logistics.

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May 31Liked by Phisto Sobanii


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