Jun 3·edited Jun 3Pinned

Which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comments.

#9 is the one where I realized the author really knew what they were doing.

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Phisto Sobanii

I really like number 8 because of its absurd juxtaposition between the ugly reality of actual armed violence and its consequences vs. the play acting of rioting black block kids. Number 7 is just... These might all be parodies except for that one. There is always THAT guy being a dumbass no matter the time period or conflict.

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Victim doubting, lol.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10Liked by Phisto Sobanii

Funny! Though Antifa are not anarchists; they are brownshirts.

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Anarchists don’t follow Mao.

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Yes. And?

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And then

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#8 is my fave. Reminds me of the Flashman* account of General Sir Hope Grant, who being told, "General, Sir, we've run out of ammunition," replied "Good! Now we can go them with the bayonets!"

*c.f. George MacDonald Fraser books

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Jun 5Liked by Phisto Sobanii


Thanks for that piece.

Can you just imagine these modern day idiots facing off against a real Authortarian Government. Take Argentina as an example, and I say Argentina, because we are not travelling that far back in time.

Imagine all these in your face ProPal college students going “ missing” Teamsters, Professors, Artists ,Antifa……. Take your pick

Imagine covering your faces only to be teargassed beaten and arrested.

Torn from your bed in the middle of the night……………

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#9 for the win. #10 runner up.

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The nooses in the background of #9, hell yeah

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Jun 4Liked by Phisto Sobanii

Makes me think of the adage "The Chicken is just "involved"—investing time, effort, or resources—while the Pig is committed wholeheartedly, investing something of itself in the project." #7 reminds me of how baffled I am of the Trump following. Although I only understand the extent of it based on cable news. Will the upcoming election bear out my concerns?

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The upcoming election will likely be a step forward in a bad direction.

If the Democrats win, too many won’t accept it.

If the Republicans win, too many won’t accept it AND the Democrats will continue apace on their attempts to dismantle the Republic.

I don’t know if you saw my “What if” but I strongly doubt a serious a situation as civil war. Maybe Spain circa 1934, where conservative CEDA won but was not allowed to form a government.

In any case, the trial against Trump was a poor step forward. The election will likely be another, considering current major trends.

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Jun 4Liked by Phisto Sobanii

This is entirely intentional. None of these dreary arguments about cultural appropriation and how many LGTBQXYZPDQ+ can dance on the head of a pin change power relations or how the economic pie is sliced.

Put another way - to paraphrase Chris Hedges - elites will gladly discuss race, they will decry gender inequality most piteously, they will demonstrate a touching sensitivity to the rights of sexual and gender minorities so oppressed that they have not been discovered yet. Those same elites will not readily discuss economic class.

Or, in the negative formulation - if businesses were to stop opposing unionization of their workers, the result would be a transfer of wealth, of concrete material benefits, to brown and black and yellow and white working class people greater than all the allyship statements ever penned, all the diversity committees ever instituted, all the preferred pronoun tags ever attached to a corporate email. Which is precisely why they will not do this.

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Jun 4Liked by Phisto Sobanii

Even the real Fascists understood the necessity of firearms.

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My very first thought when I saw your headline...they'd all be dead.

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Jun 4Liked by Phisto Sobanii

Part 7's great... reminds me so much of the theorytards in libertarian-anarchist circles who're so concerned with being "pure" that they'll never actually DO anything of any consequence.

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Antifa, only slightly more popular than Hamas.

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these are actually pretty funny - however, as a pedant, and particularly for the situation where ideologies are picked up and cast about and applied to situations where they are not applicable, I have to say....

I'm sure most of you remember that whole substack was dripping nazi lard because loads were labelled nazi who bore absolutely zero resemblence to the actual thing..... along with some who were hilarious, earnest pastiches of the real thing, right? There was a power serving reason behind that whole episode, right?

Well, welcome to the flipside.

welcome to using the term modern anarchist, alongside those who also claim to be anarchist, but they are really just confused horror core metal fans who get their letters a little scrambled sometimes....

All of the punchlines here are built on something that a genuine anarchist would equally laugh his/her or their noodle off at too.

These are cheap giggles that just reinforce a false division constructed by the informational saturation power of power. Locked in a division that forever serves power. You know, that power that is hoovering up everything everyone owns for a myriad of made-up excuses while we fucking chuck isms back and forth over the backyard fence like fucking arguing neighbours . Dem and repubican just weren't doing it anymore. How do we rebrand, oh fuck it, let's go Anrchist, radical left, antifa, mag, fascist, extreme republican. Whatever. It's like the scene in Pineapple Express where he's randomly naming the "strains" of weed........

or like this - guess who power is in this clip....?


If you want to see what genuine anarchism is all about, start with Bakunin (his life story alone is worth reading) and end up with The Anarchists Tool Chest - along the way you'll find others. To my mind, Jiddhu Krishnamurti is quite probably the ultimate anarchist. Bt then, I'm weird.

Maybe next time though think about where the language is coming from and why before using it. These would have been as equally funny as "antifa person says" - and a hell of a lot more accurate. We all pass them around, myself included. But it's good to be reminded of the above. It's easily forgotten that power's default setting for us lot is "division".

But then, I'm a pedantic idiot. And often rather anarchic.

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I’ll repeat myself here too, for the good of the group.

You don’t seem to know much about what happened in Catalonia.

I’ve seen participant interviews that support the notions behind these comics. People who… you know. Participated?

They are accurate, which makes their humor work.

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Hilarious! Thanks for a badly needed morning laugh.

I think my favorite is the second-to-last; "victim-doubting," LOL.

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That one is so good. And the last one.

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Holy shit that’s accurate. Postmodernism is an impressive poison.

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